Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Med school does funny things to you, like make you think about the little things at night (like hands). I really hope I'm not the only one who has this. So far one of the many beautiful things I have learned about (and thought about probably too deeply) is the importance of hands.

Not only are they unique to each individual, but in my eyes are one of the most important components of a patient interaction. You shake a patient's hand to greet them when they step into the room. Simply observing someone's hands can tell you so many things about possible medical conditions they may have and give subtle but important signs about their overall health. The ridges, lines, calluses can you tell you about the kind of life they have lived and perhaps where they work.The rings they wear tell you where their passions lie. Hands can be used to tell you about a person's strength in all senses of the word. They communicate various feelings, thoughts, fears; people talk with their hands. And what better way to send a message than by holding someone's hand, bringing them comfort, and demonstrating compassion. Never underestimate the importance of hands.

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